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Full Build Friday - Warwick, the Uncaged Wrath of Zaun

Writer's picture: bjacobt1bjacobt1

Lemme start off by saying that this week's build is gonna be a doozy, which is appropriate since it's gonna be the last one for a while! Starting in March, I'm gonna be going on a hiatus while I try to get ahead on projects and expand the content of this blog. I'll be back in April with plenty of new monsters, new builds, and hopefully some new forms of content.

But before that, I have this build to present! Reworked Warwick is one of my favorite characters from League so it was fun to get to work on him. As always, this build is conceptualized entirely in a vacuum, with choices made in an attempt to fit the character. These choices might not hold up in a campaign with different themes and should be adjusted accordingly.

Let's get into the build for Warwick, the Uncaged Wrath of Zaun, from League of Legends!



SOURCE League of Legends


o Warwick is a champion from League of Legends who was a gangster that tried to reform himself only to be cruelly experimented upon and transformed into a wolf-man

o He is a part of the diver class, a durable and melee-oriented fighter who excels in mobility and focuses on a single target, forcing them to focus on him

o He fights using the fangs and augmented claws of his lupine form

o Warwick’s passive is Eternal Hunger, which allows him to deal additional magic damage on his attacks and has his strikes restore his health when below 50% health

o Jaws of the Beast causes him to lunge at an enemy, following their movement, dealing damage, and healing himself

o Blood Hunt increases Warwick’s attack speed against and movement speed towards enemies below half health while also allowing him to sense them. He can activate the ability to mark a nearby enemy and gain the benefit of his Blood Hunt against them regardless of their health

o When he activates his Primal Howl ability, Warwick gains damage reduction. After a short duration or upon recasting it, Warwick howls, ending the reduction but fearing nearby enemies

o His ultimate is Ultimate Duress, which causes him to leap in a direction until he hits an enemy. He pins the enemy down and savages them with his claws

o While once a human, he has mostly forgotten that life and the experiments have fused him with a number of different animals, including bat and fox, though wolf is obviously dominant

o He is drawn to the scent of blood and it drives him into a savage frenzy, but he channels all his fury towards the hunting of criminals

For this particular build, I had two ideas really stuck in my head and I ultimately decided that I wanted to explore both. My initial plan was to build Warwick as a monk to capture his movement and attack speed whereas barbarian is more of a flavorful match with its rage. However, both builds use the same ancestry, background, and other general feats, so I won’t be explaining my choices for them twice.


Ancestry & Heritage: Great Gnoll

o Ability Boosts & Flaws: +Strength, +Intelligence, +Dexterity, -Wisdom

o Ancestry Feat: Sensitive Nose

Background: Criminal

o Ability Boosts: +Dexterity, +Strength

o Skill Increase: Stealth (trained), Underworld Lore (trained)

o Background Feat: Experienced Smuggler

Class & Subclass: Monk

o Class Ability Boost: +Strength

o Skill Increase: Acrobatics (trained), Athletics (trained), Crafting (trained), Intimidation (trained), Survival (trained)

o Class Feat: Ki Strike


o Ability Boosts: +Strength, +Dexterity, +Wisdom, +Charisma (Str 18, Dex 16, Con 10, Int 12, Wis 10, Cha 12)

Both of these builds will use the great gnoll ancestry as gnolls are the closest representation to the chimeric creature that he has become. His Blood Hunt ability makes it seem as though he is following scent trails and so he is locked into the Sensitive Nose ancestry to grant him an imprecise scent ability. Before he was experimented upon, Warwick was a criminal in the process of turning his life around, which leads to the use of the Criminal background. Other appropriate backgrounds could include Magical Experiment, but the limited ability boost of that background always makes it a difficult choice for me. A key point of the using the monk build is that it gives Warwick access to the flurry of blows class feature to simulate the attack speed of his Blood Hunt and Ultimate Duress. This build route lacks in damage somewhat, so he takes Ki Strike to resemble the higher damage of his ability, mostly Jaws of the Beast, over his basic attacks.


o Class Feat: Ki Rush

o Skill Feat: Experienced Tracker

o Gear: psychopomp mask


o General Feat: Fleet

o Skill Increase: Intimidation (expert)

o Gear: handwraps of mighty blows (+1), psychopomp mask, ring of discretion


o Class Feat: Flying Kick

o Skill Feat: Intimidating Prowess

o Gear: coyote cloak, handwraps of mighty blows (+1), Jack’s tattered cape, psychopomp mask


o Ability Boosts: +Strength, +Constitution, +Wisdom, +Charisma (Str 19, Dex 16, Con 12, Int 12, Wis 12, Cha 14)

o Ancestry Feat: Crunch

o Skill Increase: Survival (expert)

o Gear: handwraps of mighty blows (+1 striking), coyote cloak, bracelet of dashing, Jack’s tattered cape, psychopomp mask, ring of discretion

While the Incredible Movement of a monk helps fill in for Warwick’s movement speed when chasing prey down, this build further dives into that aspect of the character with the Ki Rush feat. Alternatively, in place of Ki Rush, one could take the Sterling Dynamo Dedication with a manual power driver to simulate the mechanical apparatus that has been used to enhance him. That will show up in the build later, but getting it earlier isn’t a bad call. Flying Kick is meant to specifically resemble the leap of Ultimate Duress with it in conjunction with Flurry of Blows allowing Warwick to jump across battlefield, make a Strike as part of that leap, and then unleash two more Strikes with the flurry. His skills are primarily going to focus on Intimidation and Survival – the former to cover the radial fear of his Primal Howl whereas the latter is based around the tracking ability of his Blood Hunt. The build might have preferred it earlier, but he grabs Crunch to empower his jaws attack for his Jaws of the Beast. Adding the grapple trait on it is a cherry on top that can play into the lockdown ability of his Ultimate Duress.


o Class Feat: Wholeness of Body

o Skill Feat: Terrifying Resistance

o Gear: +1 explorer’s clothing, handwraps of mighty blows (+1 striking), demon mask, coyote cloak, Jack’s tattered cape, lesser red-rib gill mask


o General Feat: Adopted Ancestry – Human

o Skill Increase: Intimidation (master)

o First Path to Perfection: Fortitude (master)

o Gear: lesser dread armor rune, +1 explorer’s clothing, quick-runner’s shirt, handwraps of mighty blows (+1 striking), coyote cloak, bracelet of dashing


o Class Feat: Sterling Dynamo Dedication – Manual Power Driver

o Skill Feat: Terrified Retreat

o Gear: boots of bounding, lesser dread armor rune, fearsome weapon rune, +1 explorer’s clothing, handwraps of mighty blows (+1 striking), demon mask


o Ancestry Feat: Laughing Gnoll

o Skill Increase: Survival (master)

o Gear: +1 resilient explorer’s clothing, boots of bounding, deathdrinking weapon rune, lesser dread armor rune, quick-runner’s shirt, handwraps of mighty blows (+1 striking)


o Ability Boosts: +Strength, +Dexterity, +Constitution, +Charisma (Str 20, Dex 18, Con 14, Int 12, Wis 12, Cha 16)

o Class Feat: Beast Dynamo Howl

o Skill Feat: Quick Jump

o Gear: greater coyote’s cloak, +1 resilient explorer’s clothing, frost weapon rune, boots of bounding, lesser dread armor rune, handwraps of mighty blows (+1 striking)

Healing on attacks isn’t something readily available in Pathfinder with the closest effect being spells such as vampiric touch, but it’s difficult to fit into his build. To cover the healing aspect of his kit, he relies on the likes of the focus spell granted by Wholeness of Body to heal up with a single action. If you didn’t take it earlier, this is the point to take the Sterling Dynamo Dedication. If you did grab it in place of Ki Rush, One-Inch Punch might be a good attack to resemble the higher damage of his Jaws of the Beast whereas Stand Still is a handy reaction to lock down foes attempting to escape. This block also has the Sterling Dynamo reveal its purpose beyond just flavor – Beast Dynamo Howl is a fantastic fit for the area fear of his Primal Howl. Meanwhile, Terrifying Resistance is meant to play into the resistances granted by activating that power though it ends up going in reverse of the actual ability. In League, the resistance comes before the fear, but in Pathfinder, he needs to fear people to get the resistance. Terrified Retreat is an important get for this block as it can send foes fleeing, as per the fear effect in League. Additionally, given that Warwick was both once a human and that gnoll is lacking in some solid feats, he takes the Adopted Ancestry for the human ancestry.


o General Feat: Fast Recovery

o Skill Increase: Athletics (expert)

o Second Path to Perfection: Reflex (master)

o Gear: handwraps of mighty blows (+2 striking), greater coyote’s cloak, armbands of athleticism, +1 resilient explorer’s clothing, boots of bounding, deathdrinking weapon rune


o Class Feat: Modular Dynamo – Rotating Sickle

o Skill Feat: Powerful Leap

o Gear: +2 resilient explorer’s clothing, handwraps of mighty blows (+2 striking), greater demon mask, greater coyote’s cloak, frost weapon rune, greater rhinoceros mask


o Ancestry Feat: Bounce Back

o Skill Increase: Athletics (master)

o Gear: handwraps of mighty blows (+2 greater striking), +2 resilient explorer’s clothing, bag of holding (type III), greater demon mask, greater coyote’s cloak, armbands of athleticism


o Class Feat: Meditative Focus

o Skill Feat: Titan Wrestler

o Gear: keen weapon rune, handwraps of mighty blows (+2 greater striking), moderate dread rune, +2 resilient explorer’s clothing, serrating weapon rune, greater demon mask


o Ability Boosts: +Strength, +Dexterity, +Constitution, +Charisma (Str 21, Dex 19, Con 16, Int 12, Wis 12, Cha 18)

o General Feat: Diehard

o Skill Increase: Intimidation (legendary)

o Third Path to Perfection: Fortitude (legendary)

o Gear: +2 greater resilient explorer’s clothing, keen weapon rune, bag of holding (type IV), handwraps of mighty blows (+2 greater striking), bag of holding (type III), greater goggles of night

Given that Warwick’s augments are claws rather than fists, the build will grab Modular Dynamo for the rotating sickle to claw and tear at his victims. Meditative Focus doesn’t make as much sense but it is purely taken for mechanical reasons to allow Warwick to use his ki spells more freely. Alternatively, Warwick could take Mixed Maneuvers to Trip a foe with the benefit of his rotating sickle and then Grapple to keep them pinned to the ground as he savages them. Using general and ancestry feats, Warwick takes several feats that enhance his general tankiness with options such as Fast Recovery, Bounce Back, and Diehard.


o Class Feat: Flurry of Maneuvers

o Skill Feat: Scare to Death

o Gear: greater frost weapon rune, +2 greater resilient explorer’s clothing, greater boots of bounding, keen weapon rune, handwraps of mighty blows (+2 greater striking), moderate dread rune


o Ancestry Feat: Heroic Presence

o Skill Increase: Survival (legendary)

o Gear: handwraps of mighty blows (+3 greater striking), dragonscale amulet, greater frost weapon rune, +2 greater resilient explorer’s clothing, keen weapon rune, bag of holding (type IV)


o Class Feat: Diamond Fists

o Skill Feat: Too Angry to Die

o Gear: belt of giant strength, handwraps of mighty blows (+3 greater striking), speed weapon rune, greater frost weapon rune, +2 greater resilient explorer’s clothing, greater boots of bounding


o General Feat: Incredible Initiative

o Skill Increase: Athletics (legendary)

o Gear: +3 greater resilient explorer’s clothing, belt of giant strength, dread blindfold, handwraps of mighty blows (+3 greater striking), dragonscale amulet, greater frost weapon rune


o Ability Boosts: +Strength, +Dexterity, +Constitution, +Wisdom (Str 22, Dex 20, Con 18, Int 12, Wis 14, Cha 18)

o Class Feat: Golden Body

o Skill Feat: Cloud Jump

o Gear: handwraps of mighty blows (+3 major striking), +3 greater resilient explorer’s clothing, greater dread armor rune, belt of giant strength, bloodthirsty weapon rune, speed weapon rune

Flurry of Maneuvers allows Warwick to mix in Grapples with his Strikes to trap people in Ultimate Duress, but going Mixed Maneuvers is also understandable. Lacking better choices at 18th level, Warwick grabs Diamond Fists to take advantage of the multitude of attacks that he is capable of unleashing. Golden Body further explores his healing capabilities while adding some deadliness to his unarmed attacks. Heroic Presence is taken purely because no other ancestry feats work quite as well at this point. Finally, he completes his Athletics advancement, bringing it to his best skill as it was previously bolstered by being linked to his strongest ability score.


As a former criminal mutated and transformed into a chimeric creature that mostly resembles a wolf, Warwick is built as a great gnoll with the Criminal background. The gnoll ancestry provides him with the fangs that he uses to fight, and are further enhanced with the Crunch feat, increasing their damage and adding a grapple trait to them. His claws could potentially be achieved with the Tiger Stance, but given his augmented nature, I leaned into the Sterling Dynamo Dedication with the Modular Dynamo for the rotating sickle to give him a slashing attack. Eternal Hunger is difficult to copy because its regular additional magic damage on his attacks plus healing when he gets low on health. Healing on attacks isn’t really an option in Pathfinder, so he instead relies on the ki spells of the monk – ki strike enhances his blows whereas wholeness of body provides him with healing. The jaws Strike that he gains from Crunch work well for Jaws of the Beast, especially if he combines them with a Flying Kick. The monk’s incredible movement as well as additional speed from ki rush cover the enhanced movement speed of Blood Hunt while Flurry of Blows plays into the enhanced attack speed. The actual ability to sense and track low health enemies comes from the Survival skill and its related feats such as Experienced Tracker. For his Primal Howl, Warwick takes further advantage of the sterling dynamo for Beast Dynamo Howl to get an area fear with the effects of Terrified Retreat matching the ability to send foes running whereas Terrifying Resistance fits into the reduction provided by activating the ability. Finally, for his ultimate ability of Ultimate Duress, he has Flying Kick and then locks enemies down with a grapple, possibly from Flurry of Maneuvers, before tearing into them. This build creates a feral unarmed warrior that excels in chasing and locking down a foe before savaging them.


Ancestry & Heritage: Great Gnoll

o Ability Boosts & Flaws: +Strength, +Intelligence, +Wisdom, -Wisdom

o Ancestry Feat: Sensitive Nose

Background: Criminal

o Ability Boosts: +Dexterity, +Strength

o Skill Increase: Stealth (trained), Underworld Lore (trained)

o Background Feat: Experienced Smuggler

Class & Subclass: Barbarian – Wolf Instinct

o Class Ability Boost: +Strength

o Skill Increase: Acrobatics (trained), Athletics (trained), Crafting (trained), Intimidation (trained), Survival (trained)

o Class Feat: Raging Intimidation

o Skill Feat: Intimidating Glare


o Ability Boosts: +Strength, +Dexterity, +Constitution, +Charisma (Str 18, Dex 14, Con 12, Int 12, Wis 10, Cha 12)

For the barbarian build of Warwick, we use the animal instinct with my first pick being wolf though going bear could get him his claws a little earlier than normal. In preparation for his Primal Howl down the line, he’ll make use of the Raging Intimidation feat, which seems present in most barbarian builds I make.


o Class Feat: No Escape

o Skill Feat: Experienced Tracker

o Gear: psychopomp mask


o General Feat: Fleet

o Skill Increase: Intimidation (expert)

o Gear: handwraps of mighty blows (+1), ring of discretion, psychopomp mask


o Class Feat: Fast Movement

o Skill Feat: Intimidating Prowess

o Gear: coyote’s cloak, handwraps of mighty blows (+1), Jack’s tattered cape, psychopomp mask


o Ability Boosts: +Strength, +Dexterity, +Constitution, +Charisma (Str 19, Dex 16, Con 14, Int 12, Wis 10, Cha 14)

o Ancestry Feat: Crunch

o Skill Increase: Survival (expert)

o Gear: handwraps of mighty blows (+1 striking), coyote’s cloak, bracelet of dashing, Jack’s tattered cape, ring of discretion, psychopomp mask

No Escape gives Warwick a reaction to foes that attempt to flee from him, which works nicely with the chasing lunge on his Jaws of the Beast. Fast Movement covers the enhanced speed from his Blood Hunt ability.


o Class Feat: Sterling Dynamo Dedication – Manual Power Driver

o Skill Feat: Terrifying Resistance

o Gear: +1 hide, handwraps of mighty blows (+1 striking), demon mask, coyote’s cloak, Jack’s tattered cape, lesser red-rib gill mask


o General Feat: Adopted Ancestry – Human

o Skill Increase: Intimidation (master)

o Gear: lesser dread armor rune, +1 hide, quick-runner’s shirt, handwraps of mighty blows (+1 striking), coyote’s cloak, bracelet of dashing


o Class Feat: Modular Dynamo – Rotating Sickle

o Skill Feat: Terrified Retreat

o Gear: boots of bounding, lesser dread armor rune, fearsome weapon rune, +1 hide, handwraps of mighty blows (+1 striking), demon mask


o Ancestry Feat: Laughing Gnoll

o Skill Increase: Survival (master)

o Gear: +1 resilient hide, boots of bounding, deathdrinking weapon rune, lesser dread armor rune, quick-runner’s shirt, handwraps of mighty blows (+1 striking)


o Ability Boosts: +Strength, +Constitution, +Wisdom, +Charisma (Str 20, Dex 16, Con 16, Int 12, Wis 12, Cha 16)

o Class Feat: Terrifying Howl

o Skill Feat: Quick Jump

o Gear: greater coyote’s cloak, +1 resilient studded leather, frost weapon rune, boots of bounding, lesser dread armor rune, handwraps of mighty blows (+1 striking)

With this build, Warwick is able to pick up the Sterling Dynamo Dedication a little earlier and swiftly follows it up with the Modular Dynamo for his rotating sickle to represent his claws. However, he doesn’t need to take Beast Dynamo Howl as the barbarian class gives him access to Terrifying Howl, which ends up being very similar. Whereas the former is two actions, it includes a Strike with his dynamo. The latter is only a single action but doesn’t grant an extra Strike of any kind.


o General Feat: Fast Recovery

o Skill Increase: Athletics (expert)

o Gear: handwraps of mighty blows (+2 striking), greater coyote’s cloak, armbands of athleticism, +1 resilient studded leather, boots of bounding, deathdrinking weapon rune


o Class Feat: Predator’s Pounce

o Skill Feat: Powerful Leap

o Gear: +2 resilient studded leather, handwraps of mighty blows (+2 striking), greater demon mask, greater coyote’s cloak, frost weapon rune, greater rhinoceros mask


o Ancestry Feat: Stubborn Persistence

o Skill Increase: Athletics (master)

o Gear: handwraps of mighty blows (+2 greater striking), +2 resilient studded leather, bag of holding (type III), greater demon mask, greater coyote’s cloak, armbands of athleticism


o Class Feat: Renewed Vigor

o Skill Feat: Titan Wrestler

o Gear: keen weapon rune, handwraps of mighty blows (+2 greater striking), moderate dread rune, +2 resilient studded leather, serrating weapon rune, greater demon mask


o Ability Boosts: +Strength, +Constitution, +Wisdom, +Charisma (Str 21, Dex 16, Con 18, Int 12, Wis 14, Cha 18)

o General Feat: Diehard

o Skill Increase: Intimidation (legendary)

o Skill Feat: Scare to Death

o Gear: +2 greater resilient studded leather, keen weapon rune, bag of holding (type IV), handwraps of mighty blows (+2 greater striking), bag of holding (type III), greater goggles of night

The action economy saving feat of Predator’s Pounce helps Warwick squeeze some extra movement or Strikes out of his action economy. As detailed in the monk build, healing on Strikes isn’t a design within Pathfinder so to mimic some healing effects, Warwick takes up Renewed Vigor, spending an action to gain temporary Hit Points. This isn’t as close as the actual healing of wholeness of body, but can be used without rest, unlike the focus spell.


o Class Feat: Animal Skin

o Skill Feat: Wall Jump

o Gear: greater frost weapon rune, +2 greater resilient explorer’s clothing, greater boots of bounding, keen weapon rune, handwraps of mighty blows (+2 greater striking), moderate dread rune


o Ancestry Feat: Bounce Back

o Skill Increase: Survival (legendary)

o Gear: handwraps of mighty blows (+3 greater striking), greater frost weapon rune, dragonscale amulet, +2 greater resilient explorer’s clothing, keen weapon rune, bag of holding (type IV)


o Class Feat: Sudden Leap

o Skill Feat: Too Angry to Die

o Gear: belt of giant strength, handwraps of mighty blows (+3 greater striking), speed weapon rune, greater frost weapon rune, +2 greater resilient explorer’s clothing, greater boots of bounding


o General Feat: Incredible Initiative

o Skill Increase: Athletics (legendary)

o Gear: +3 greater resilient explorer’s clothing, belt of giant strength, dread blindfold, handwraps of mighty blows (+3 greater striking), dragonscale amulet, greater frost weapon rune


o Ability Boosts: +Strength, +Dexterity, +Intelligence +Wisdom (Str 22, Dex 18, Con 18, Int 14, Wis 16, Cha 18)

o Class Feat: Unstoppable Juggernaut

o Skill Feat: Cloud Jump

o Skill Increase: Society (trained)

o Gear: handwraps of mighty blows (+3 major striking), +3 greater resilient explorer’s clothing, greater dread armor rune, belt of giant strength, bloodthirsty weapon rune, speed weapon rune

Warwick’s hide is covered in thick scars that have healed over and to resemble that, he takes up Animal Skin, which pumps up his AC to higher than most armors would be able to. Following a similar idea as Flying Kick in the monk build, Warwick takes up Sudden Leap, which is essentially the barbarian’s version of that feat. As such, it serves to function as the big leap that leads into his Ultimate Duress. Finally, when looking at a capstone feat for Warwick, nothing in particular stands out so he’ll take Unstoppable Juggernaut as the increased resistance matches well with the damage reduction granted by the first activation of Primal Howl.


For the barbarian build, Warwick makes use of the gnoll jaws but also has the wolf instinct jaws while raging and still takes the rotating sickle of the Sterling Dynamo Dedication. The extra damage from rage fits in with the magic damage from Eternal Hunger but the closest he can get to the healing from it is the Renewed Vigor feat. The enhanced damage from Jaws of the Beast largely comes from his wolf instinct but the chasing down afforded by No Escape matches nicely with its lock-on effect. Blood Hunt is probably the most neglected aspect of Warwick’s kit with the barbarian version of his build with really only Fast Movement giving him the extra speed for it. Predator’s Pounce plays into the general idea for it, being an action economy optimizer that combines a Stride and a Strike, possibly allowing him to squeeze in more Strikes. On the other hand, Primal Howl ends up working much better – the natural resistances of a raging barbarian fit the damage reduction it grants whereas the howl part of it comes in the form of the barbarian’s Terrifying Howl. As before, Sudden Leap ends up leading into Ultimate Duress, but the barbarian lacks the Strike optimizer to make anything more than a second attack, barring weapon runes, which are included in the build. Building Warwick as a barbarian leads to a highly flavorful build that matches well with his barely contained savagery, allowing him to wade into the midst of his foes so that he can deliver devastating blows.

FREE ARCHETYPE SUGGESTIONS: The first and obvious choice for a free archetype game is Sterling Dynamo Dedication, but this isn’t an archetype he cares about much aside from flavor and picking up his claws. To qualify for other archetypes, I would consider the likes of Stasian Smash or Piston Punch though neither quite match any of his particular abilities. For other archetypes, I want to suggest taking the class he didn’t take for either of the builds as an archetype. Going Barbarian Dedication on the monk affords some extra damage on his Strikes and he’ll want to pick up Raging Intimidation so that he can Demoralize while raging. Fast Movement isn’t going to stack with the additional speed from incredible movement, but he can still make good use of No Escape, Inured to Alchemy is a flavorful fit, and Brutal Bully could mesh will with features as such as Flurry of Maneuvers or Mixed Maneuvers. Alternatively, picking up the Monk Dedication on the barbarian adds the Monk’s Flurry to his repertoire, which in turn lets him pick up Mixed Maneuver or Flurry of Maneuvers, or he can take the likes of Tiger Stance, Crushing Grab, and eventually Tiger Slash.

Lemme know what you think and what other builds you would like to see!

If you want to join in on the discussion of these builds and the ones I do for monsters or just hang out with a bunch of fellow TTRPG nerds, check out the Discord server. We also have a Twitter where we try to post teasers for the blog and are trying to get some milestones made up for. There won't be a next week since I'll be on hiatus, but I'll be back for the first Friday of April!

Have a fantastic Friday!

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