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Full Build Friday - Senna, the Redeemer

Writer's picture: bjacobt1bjacobt1

Entirely incidentally, I have another 'Redeemer' right after building Regna, the Redeemer. It's been a while since I did a cleric build (I think the last one was Nikara), so it was fun to dive into the build to create a support/marksman type character. As always, this build is conceptualized entirely in a vacuum, with choices made in an attempt to fit the character. These choices might not hold up in a campaign with different themes and should be adjusted accordingly.

Let's get into the build for Senna, the Redeemer from League of Legends.



SOURCE League of Legends


o Senna is a ranged champion from League of Legends able to be played as either a marksman or an enchanter type support who protect and open up opportunity for their allies

o She fights using her relic cannon, a slow but powerful weapon

o Absolution is her passive which causes her to collect Mist and Mist Wraiths from champions and slain enemies. For each stack of Mist she has collected, she gains attack damage, range, and crit chance

o Piercing Darkness launches a beam in a line that heals herself and an ally while damaging enemies in the area

o Last Embrace has Senna launch a globule of mist at a target that damages and attaches to the first enemy hit and roots them after a brief duration

o Curse of the Black Mist has her surround herself in an aura of mist that camouflages her and nearby champions

o Dawning Shadow serves as her ultimate and is essentially a souped-up version of her Piercing Darkness, firing vast waves of spectral light that shields allies and damages enemies

o She was born on a small island off Demacia that came under the Harrowing, surviving thanks to a Sentinel of Light named Urias who took Senna on as his apprentice

o Following his death, she informed his son, Lucian of his death, and took him in as an apprentice when he demonstrated the ability to fire his father’s gun, eventually falling in love with him

o Her soul was trapped in Thresh’s lantern before she managed to free herself with the help of her husband


Ancestry & Heritage: Skilled Human

o Ability Boosts & Flaws: +Dexterity, +Wisdom

o Ancestry Feat: Gloomseer

o Skill Increase: Stealth (trained)

Background: Returned

o Ability Boosts: +Wisdom, +Dexterity

o Skill Increase: Boneyard Lore (trained)

o Background Feat: Additional Lore (Boneyard), Diehard

Class & Subclass: Cloistered Cleric

o Class Ability Boost: +Wisdom

o Skill Increase: Diplomacy (trained), Medicine (trained), Occultism (trained), Religion (trained)

o Class Feat: Domain Initiate – Soul

o Favored Weapon: Harmona Gun

o Font: Healing


o Ability Boosts: +Strength, +Dexterity, +Wisdom, +Charisma (Str 12, Dex 16, Con 10, Int 10, Wis 18, Cha 12)

The human ancestry with the returned background serves to represent Senna as emerged from Thresh’s lantern, being somewhere between a human and a wraith. Give her association with darkness, picking up Gloomseer grants her some extra ability to see through it. While it seems odd, we use the cloistered cleric doctrine to make sure that Senna’s spells remain powerful because she is going to be using her spells to simulate some of her abilities. Starting with the healing font allows Senna to battle against undead while also supporting her allies as per part of Piercing Darkness. Settling on a domain for her was a little difficult but the soul domain focuses more on the phantasmal aspect of the character without wholly diving into the undeath that she fights against. As these builds are often setting agnostic, I took the chance to say that Senna’s deity has the harmona gun for her favored weapon, allowing it to use it though it’s a bit too heavy for her to start with.


o Class Feat: Versatile Font

o Skill Feat: Student of the Canon

o Gear: psychopomp mask


o General Feat: Feather Step

o Skill Increase: Boneyard Lore (expert), Religion (expert)

o Gear: +1 crossbow, dull grey aeon stone, psychopomp mask


o Class Feat: Directed Channel

o Skill Feat: Stitch Flesh

o Gear: grim sandglass, +1 crossbow, brooch of shielding, psychopomp mask


o Ability Boosts: +Strength, +Dexterity, +Wisdom, +Charisma (Str 14, Dex 18, Con 10, Int 10, Wis 19, Cha 14)

o Ancestry Feat: Natural Skill

o Skill Increase: Acrobatics (trained), Athletics (trained), Medicine (expert), Stealth (expert)

o Gear: +1 striking harmona gun, grim sandglass, channel protection amulet, brooch of shielding, dull grey aeon stone, psychopomp mask

Picking up Versatile Font lets Senna choose harm or heal spells for her font, even splitting them as she wants so that she can inflict damage upon the living and the dead. From there, Directed Channel helps her avoid catching allies in the blast when she doesn’t want to and also comes closer to the shape of her Piercing Darkness and Dawning Shadow. The value of Student of the Canon depends on the adventure and setting a bit, but the value of its pun is too good to pass up. Stitch Flesh lets heal even the dead with her Medicine skill, just in case. Clerics don’t get many skills, so to help increase her ability to interact with the world, the Natural Skill ancestry feat at least nets her the trained proficiency in two more skills while her skilled heritage raises her Stealth proficiency to expert. Additionally, with the ability boosts at 5th level, Senna can finally wield her harmona gun without penalty, which means that it is time to bust out the big guns. Upon reaching 5th level, Senna gets her 3rd level spells, which she can use to cast rouse skeletons, the closest approximation to her Last Embrace.


o Class Feat: Exorcist Dedication

o Skill Feat: Quiet Allies

o Gear: +1 explorer’s clothing, +1 striking weapon, staff of healing, grim sandglass, brooch of shielding, hand of the mage


o General Feat: Numb to Death

o Skill Increase: Boneyard Lore (master), Stealth (master)

o Gear: wand of teeming ghosts (2nd-level), +1 explorer’s clothing, disrupting weapon rune, +1 striking harmona gun, grim sandglass, channel protection amulet


o Class Feat: Selective Energy

o Skill Feat: Swift Sneak

o Gear: cloak of elvenkind, clandestine cloak, wand of teeming ghosts (2nd-level), +1 explorer’s clothing, +1 striking harmona gun, staff of healing


o Ancestry Feat: Multitalented – Gunslinger Dedication (Way of the Sniper)

o Skill Increase: Medicine (master), Performance (trained)

o Gear: +1 resilient explorer’s clothing, cloak of elvenkind, ethersight ring, wand of teeming ghosts (2nd-level), disrupting weapon rune, +1 striking harmona gun


o Ability Boosts: +Dexterity, +Constitution, +Wisdom, +Charisma (Str 14, Dex 19, Con 12, Int 10, Wis 20, Cha 16)

o Class Feat: Spirit’s Absolution

o Skill Feat: Continual Recovery

o Gear: wand of overflowing life (3rd-level), +1 resilient explorer’s clothing, greater grim sandglass, cloak of elvenkind, wand of teeming ghosts (2nd-level), +1 striking harmona gun

The Exorcist Dedication allows Senna to pick up souls, as per her passive Absolution, and the initial ability gained from the archetype, Spirit’s Mercy, grants her the ability to shield allies from positive or negative energy, similar to the shields generated by Dawning Shadow. Selective Energy allows her to shape her blast when she needs to hit enemies while allies are in the way. Spirit’s Absolution from the Exorcist Dedication allows her to spend the spirits that she picks up to heal her allies, giving her another means of filling her role as an enchanter. With her ancestry feat, Senna can gain the Gunslinger Dedication despite still needing two more feats from the exorcist archetype at the time thanks to the clause in Multitalented. The feat increases her trained proficiency with firearms and crossbows, which is the main way she’ll be advancing her proficiency with her harmona gun if she can’t get it through her deity’s favored weapon. With Quiet Allies and Swift Sneak, we attempt to capture the feel of Curse of the Black Mist, allowing her to descend into camouflage and also help her allies Sneak.


o General Feat: Fleet

o Skill Increase: Religion (master)

o Gear: +2 striking harmona gun, greater shadow armor rune, wand of overflowing life (3rd-level), +1 resilient explorer’s clothing, cloak of elvenkind, ethersight ring


o Class Feat: Spirit’s Anguish

o Skill Feat: Sacred Defense

o Gear: +2 resilient explorer’s clothing, +2 striking harmona gun, wand of teeming ghosts (4th-level), wand of overflowing life (3rd-level), greater grim sandglass, lover’s gloves


o Ancestry Feat: Darkseer

o Skill Increase: Performance (expert)

o Gear: +2 greater striking harmona gun, +2 resilient explorer’s clothing, wand of overflowing life (4th-level), wand of teeming ghosts (4th-level), greater shadow armor rune, wand of overflowing life (3rd-level)


o Class Feat: Ebb and Flow

o Skill Feat: Ward Medic

o Gear: wand of overflowing life (5th-level), +2 greater striking harmona gun, major grim sandglass, +2 resilient explorer’s clothing, greater clandestine cloak, wand of teeming ghosts (4th-level)


o Ability Boosts: +Dexterity, +Intelligence, +Wisdom, +Charisma (Str 14, Dex 20, Con 12, Int 12, Wis 21, Cha 18)

o General Feat: Chromotherapy

o Skill Increase: Boneyard Lore (legendary), Intimidation (trained), Stealth (legendary)

o Gear: +2 greater resilient explorer’s clothing, bag of holding (type IV), wand of overflowing life (5th-level), +2 greater striking harmona gun, cassock of devotion, wand of overflowing life (4th-level)

While the Spirit’s Absolution give us a way to heal our allies, Spirit’s Anguish gives us a way to hurt our enemies and the sonic damage it deals are a fun little reference to her True Damage skin. Ebb and Flow is an important part of the build allowing Senna to heal and harm in equal measure. A decision to focus on Religion among her skills, in large part to give her the ability to identify undead, means that she qualifies for some of the fun Religion skill feats such as Sacred Defense. The temp HP this grants is a good stand-in for the shield generated by her ult. Darkseer finally grants her darkvision, and the strange feat Chromotherapy allows her to try to stop persistent damage at range, which feels appropriate.


o Class Feat: Fast Channel

o Skill Feat: Legendary Sneak

o Gear: wand of overflowing life (6th-level), +2 greater resilient explorer’s clothing, wand of teeming ghosts (6th-level), wand of overflowing life (5th-level), +2 greater striking harmona gun, major grim sandglass


o Ancestry Feat: Heroic Presence

o Skill Increase: Religion (legendary)

o Gear: +3 greater striking harmona gun, dragonscale amulet, wand of overflowing life (6th-level), +2 greater resilient explorer’s clothing, bag of holding (type IV), wand of overflowing life (5th-level)


o Class Feat: Practiced Reloads

o Skill Feat: Consult the Spirits - Religion

o Gear: headband of inspired wisdom, +3 greater striking harmona gun, true staff of healing, wand of overflowing life (6th-level), +2 greater resilient explorer’s clothing, wand of teeming ghosts (6th-level)


o General Feat: Toughness

o Skill Increase: Medicine (legendary)

o Gear: +3 greater resilient explorer’s clothing, headband of inspired wisdom, wand of overflowing life (7th-level), +3 greater striking harmona gun, dragonscale amulet, wand of overflowing life (6th-level)


o Ability Boosts: +Strength, +Constitution, +Intelligence, +Wisdom (Str 16, Dex 20, Con 14, Int 14, Wis 22, Cha 18)

o Class Feat: Maker of Miracles

o Skill Feat: Foil Senses

o Skill Increase: Thievery (trained)

o Gear: +3 major striking harmona gun, +3 greater resilient explorer’s clothing, sage’s lash, wand of overflowing life (7th-level), true staff of healing, speed weapon rune

Fast Channel is a powerful feat that will allow Senna to vary up her turns when she has to pull out a 3-action heal or harm as it lets her do so with only 2-actions instead. This gives her a chance to possibly fire or reload her firearm or take other options depending on the situation. Speaking of which, she also picks up Practiced Reloads so that she can Take Cover or Hide as part of reloading, which plays into her Curse of the Black Mist power. Finally, Maker of Miracles is pretty standard, just giving her more spells since she is a spell-focused cloistered cleric. Heroic Presence gives her more means of giving temp HP to her team to shield them while Legendary Sneak allows her to disappear from plain sight.

FREE ARCHETYPE SUGGESTIONS: I’ve done a few builds lately that actually don’t really need a lot of archetypes to capture the idea, but this particular build needs a couple. Aside from the obvious choices of the Exorcist Dedication and the Gunslinger Dedication, the Ghost Dedication may also be appropriate depending on how you feel about Senna’s current state of being after escaping Thresh’s lantern. With feats freed up by the free archetype, picking up both Harming Hands and Healing Hands enhances both her healing and potential damage, and Communal Healing works well with the fact that Senna’s Piercing Darkness heals herself as well. Divine Weapon also works well with the idea that Senna may want to take a shot every now and then with her harmona gun.


While much of her abilities and features are achieved through the usage of spells, Senna is built to blast powerful magic intermixed with the occasionally shot against an easy target. The harmona gun stands in for her relic cannon, her proficiency with it granted by it being her deity’s favored weapon or by squeezing in Firearm Expert from her Gunslinger Dedication. The best manner to achieve the soul collecting power of her Absolution is by using the Exorcist Dedication to give her the power to collect souls, which she can use to inflict damage with Spirit’s Anguish or to heal her companions with Spirit’s Absolution. For Piercing Darkness as well as her Dawning Shadow ultimate, taking Directed Channel with Versatile Font grants her the option to heal her allies while harming undead – or vice versa if she has undead allies. The closest thing I could find to Last Embrace was rouse skeletons to make it harder to move through an area or spiritual anamnesis, which can actually slow an enemy. An exception to spells being the way to work in most of her abilities is the Curse of the Black Mist, which she can instead come close to achieving the effects of with the Quiet Allies feat though she may prefer Legendary Sneak when she’s moving on her own. She has several options to grant her allies temp HP, such as Heroic Presence and Sacred Defense, helping with the shield-granting portion of her ult. To reflect her escape from Thresh’s lantern, we use the Returned background though she is still a human, hence her ancestry without any extra bells and whistles.

Be sure to lemme know what you think of the build and who else you might like to see!

If you want to join in on the discussion of these builds and the ones I do for monsters or just hang out with a bunch of fellow TTRPG nerds, check out the Discord server. We also have a Twitter where we try to post teasers for the blog and are trying to get some milestones made up for. Next week is a build that runs a little hot and then cold from a series I haven't ever played.

Until next time, have a fantastic Friday!

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