I have to shelve the Ekko build for now, likely awaiting for Starfinder, so I swapped in a build for a character that manages to fit in with the March of the Machines theme I have going on over on Monster Monday. As always, this build is conceptualized entirely in a vacuum, with choices made in my best attempt to fit the character. These choice may not hold up in a campaign with different themes and should be adjusted accordingly.
I have a short little video to go along with the build that I hope you'll check out.
Let's get into the remastered rebuild for Prowl from Transformers Animated!

SOURCE Transformers Animated
o Prowl is a Cybertronian, a robotic lifeform capable of transforming into a vehicular alt mode. Specifically, Prowl transforms into a police motorcycle
o He was trained in martial arts and processor-over-matter techniques, which is effectively telekinesis and something he didn’t master until later
o Following his teacher’s death, he went into seclusion until being brought into Team Prime though he remained standoffish
o Wields shurikens in addition to his martial arts
o Can create holograms of himself
o Possesses built-in jump jets
Summary of Goals: Prowl is a stealthy cyber ninja able to transform into a swifter form. A skilled martial artist, he also wields shurikens, can create hologram duplicates of himself, and even possesses limited telekinesis
Ancestry & Heritage: Hunter Automaton
o Ability Boosts & Flaws: +Strength, +Dexterity
o Ancestry Feat: Automaton Lore
o Skill Feat: Additional Lore – Automaton Lore
o Skill Increase: Arcana (T), Automaton Lore (T), Crafting (T)
Background: Perfection Seeker
o Ability Boosts: +Dexterity, +Wisdom
o Skill Increase: Acrobatics (T), Warfare Lore (T)
o Background Feat: Cat Fall
Class & Subclass: Thief Racket Rogue
o Class Ability Boost: +Dexterity
o Skill Increase: Athletics (T), Deception (T), Diplomacy (T), Nature (T), Occultism (T), Religion (T), Stealth (T), Survival (T), Thievery (T)
o Class Feat: Tumble Behind
o Skill Feat: Quick Jump
o Ability Boosts: +Strength, +Dexterity, +Wisdom, +Charisma (Str +2, Dex +4, Con +0, Int +0, Wis +2, Cha +1)
The first step in representing Prowl is the automaton ancestry, but the heritage is a bit of a point of contention for me. I actually wanted to use the reflection heritage so that Prowl could become Mirror-Risen and resemble his ability to create holograms. Unfortunately that’s the only feat from the heritage that really suits Prowl so he instead goes for the hunter heritage, which will let him ‘transform’ into a faster mode. He does still have a bit of an issue when it comes to feats, but Automaton Lore fits with some of the lessons that he learned under Yoketron. The perfection seeker background is also based off of this idea with the Warfare Lore calling to mind the conflict between the Autobots and the Decepticons. Playing into his ninja thematic, he uses the rogue class with the thief racket, letting him apply his Dexterity to damage and demonstrating his lethal grace. He takes Tumble Behind to make him a bit more self-sufficient, letting him throw enemies off-guard without having to rely on his allies. For his skill feat, he uses Quick Jump based on his jump jets.

o Class Feat: Monk Dedication
o Skill Feat: Lengthy Diversion
o Skill Increase: Deception (E)
o Gear: cloak of feline rest
o General Feat: Fleet
o Skill Feat: Confabulator
o Skill Increase: Acrobatics (E)
o Gear: handwraps of mighty blows (+1), cloak of feline rest, ring of discretion
o Class Feat: Basic Kata – Monastic Weaponry
o Skill Feat: Fleeing Diversion
o Skill Increase: Stealth (E)
o Gear: thrower’s bandolier, handwraps of mighty blows (+1), necklace of knives, cloak of feline rest
o Ability Boosts: +Strength, +Dexterity, +Wisdom, +Charisma (Str +3, Dex +4.5, Con +0, Int +0, Wis +3, Cha +2)
o Ancestry Feat: Magical Resistance – Cold
o Skill Feat: Powerful Leap
o Skill Increase: Athletics (E)
o Gear: handwraps of mighty blows (+1 striking), ventriloquist’s ring, thrower’s bandolier, necklace of knives, cloak of feline rest, ring of discretion
A dive into the Monk Dedication enhances Prowl’s martial arts mastery and also affords him Monastic Weaponry. This isn’t particularly useful for him right now, but Prowl needs to advance his monk feats and it will play into a latter feat. Until he can get proper powers to create holograms, Prowl will be relying on the likes of Create a Diversion to simulate the concept. With that idea, he starts off by taking up skill feats to facilitate the usage of that action with Lengthy Diversion, Confabulator, and a Fleeing Diversion. He further grabs Powerful Leap as to, once again, demonstrate the power of his jump jets. He has a sleek little alt mode, lending to the use of the Fleet general feat, which will go along with the speed increase when he drops into the faster form of his hunter heritage. With his ancestry feat, he uses Magical Resistance to gain resistance to cold damage as Cybertronians do seem a bit inured to such elements.

o Class Feat: Advanced Kata – Qi Spells – qi rush
o Skill Feat: Rolling Landing
o Skill Increase: Nature (E)
o Gear: +1 leather, handwraps of mighty blows (+1 striking), thrower’s bandolier (+1 striking), ventriloquist’s ring, Jack’s tattered cape, necklace of knives
o General Feat: Incredible Initiative
o Skill Feat: Rapid Mantel
o Skill Increase: Deception (M)
o Gear: flickering weapon rune, +1 leather, lesser boots of free running, handwraps of mighty blows (+1 striking), ventriloquist’s ring, thrower’s bandolier
o Class Feat: Sorcerer Dedication – Hag Bloodline
o Skill Feat: Kip Up
o Skill Increase: Acrobatics (M), Intimidation (T), Society (T)
o Spell Repertoire: Cantrips – telekinetic hand, warp step
o Gear: enigma mirror, flickering weapon rune, wand of shattering images, +1 leather, handwraps of mighty blows (+1 striking), thrower’s bandolier (+1 striking)
o Ancestry Feat: Arcane Propulsion
o Skill Feat: Swift Sneak
o Skill Increase: Stealth (M)
o Gear: +1 resilient leather, cloak of illusions, enigma mirror, wand of shattering images, thrower’s bandolier (+1 striking), handwraps of mighty blows (+1 striking)
o Ability Boosts: +Dexterity, +Constitution, +Wisdom, +Charisma (Str +3, Dex +5, Con +1, Int +0, Wis +4, Cha +3)
o Class Feat: Basic Sorcerer Spellcasting
o Skill Feat: Wall Jump
o Skill Increase: Athletics (M)
o Spell Repertoire: 1st – illusory object; 2nd – mirror image; 3rd – illusory creature
o Gear: greater ventriloquist’s ring, +1 resilient explorer’s clothing, umbral wings, enigma mirror, handwraps of might blows (+1 striking), thrower’s bandolier (+1 striking)
Building into more speed options, this build takes up an Advanced Kata to get qi rush so that he can move even swifter. With that, he’s able to start delving into a new archetype, which will be a Sorcerer Dedication. He’s looking for an arcane or occult spell tradition and hag seemed to fit with the concept he’ll be looking for. His initial cantrips are telekinetic hand for his processor-over-matter abilities and warp step for more Speed. From there, he can take Basic Sorcerer Spellcasting and use that to explore his hologram-producing powers with the likes of illusory object, mirror image, or even illusory creature. Swift Sneak allows him to keep up his speed while also getting more use out of Fleeing Diversion whereas Wall Jump will let this ground-bound speedster contend with the high-flying Decepticons. Incredible Initiative is always a good get for a rogue, letting them get more use out of their sneak attack class feature. He also expands on the usage of his jump jets with Arcane Propulsion as his ancestry feat, granting him actual flight to fight against his perennial foe.

o General Feat: Feather Step
o Skill Feat: Intimidating Glare
o Skill Increase: Occultism (E)
o Gear: handwraps of mighty blows (+2 striking), greater charlatan’s gloves, greater ventriloquist’s ring, +1 resilient explorer’s clothing, enigma mirror, thrower’s bandolier (+1 striking)
o Class Feat: Analyze Weakness
o Skill Feat: Calm and Centered
o Skill Increase: Occultism (M)
o Gear: +2 resilient explorer’s clothing, handwraps of mighty blows (+2 striking), thrower’s bandolier (+2 striking), greater charlatan’s gloves, umbral wings, mantle of the tikbalang
o Ancestry Feat: Arcane Camouflage
o Skill Feat: Comforting Presence
o Skill Increase: Thievery (E)
o Gear: handwraps of mighty blows (+2 greater striking), +2 resilient explorer’s clothing, mask of uncanny breath, thrower’s bandolier (+2 striking), greater ventriloquist’s ring, greater charlatan’s gloves
o Class Feat: Monk’s Flurry
o Skill Feat: Disturbing Knowledge
o Skill Increase: Thievery (M)
o Gear: major enigma mirror, handwraps of mighty blows (+2 greater striking), thrower’s bandolier (+2 greater striking), +2 resilient explorer’s clothing, charlatan’s cape, sash of prowess
o Ability Boosts: +Dexterity, +Constitution, +Intelligence, +Charisma (Str +3, Dex +5.5, Con +2, Int +1, Wis +4, Cha +4)
o General Feat: Thorough Search
o Skill Feat: Tumbling Theft
o Skill Increase: Deception (L), Performance (T)
o Gear: +2 greater resilient explorer’s clothing, major enigma mirror, propulsive boots, handwraps of mighty blows (+2 greater striking), mask of uncanny breath, thrower’s bandolier (+2 striking)
Prowl has a bit of a motto in the form of ‘Stillness…then strike.’ Rogue is actually able to accomplish that a bit with Analyze Weakness feat, allowing Prowl to take a moment to get a read on a foe to then deal a more effective blow against them. He also finally takes Monk’s Flurry, which will let him get some use out of Monastic Weaponry if you find a weapon you like from that. He employs some meditation tactics with the likes of Calm and Centered as well as Comforting Presence and then takes Tumbling Theft to synergize with his Tumble Behind class feat. Feather Step reflects his lightness on his feet and Thorough Search is another aspect of his line regarding stillness. He rounds out this block with Arcane Camouflage, letting him use his hologram powers to vanish and set himself up for some sneak attacks.

o Class Feat: Advanced Kata – Shooting Stars Stance
o Skill Feat: Legendary Sneak
o Skill Increase: Stealth (L)
o Gear: major phantasmal doorknob, +2 greater resilient explorer’s clothing, 14, major enigma mirror, handwraps of mighty blows (+2 greater striking), thrower’s bandolier (+2 greater striking)
o Ancestry Feat: Greater Augmentation – Arcane Camouflage
o Skill Feat: Dirty Trick
o Skill Increase: Thievery (L)
o Gear: handwraps of mighty blows (+3 greater striking), major phantasmal doorknob, greater thunderblast slippers, +2 greater resilient explorer’s clothing, major enigma mirror, thrower’s bandolier (+2 greater striking)
o Class Feat: Perfect Distraction
o Skill Feat: Foil Senses
o Skill Increases: Acrobatics (L)
o Gear: cloak of swiftness, handwraps of mighty blows (+3 greater striking), thrower’s bandolier (+3 greater striking), major phantasmal doorknob, +2 greater resilient explorer’s clothing, greater boots of bounding
o General Feat: True Perception
o Skill Feat: Consult the Spirits
o Skill Increase: Athletics (L)
o Gear: +3 greater resilient explorer’s clothing, cloak of swiftness, 17, handwraps of mighty blows (+3 greater striking), major phantasmal doorknob, thrower’s bandolier (+2 greater striking)
o Ability Boosts: +Strength, +Dexterity, +Constitution, +Intelligence (Str +4, Dex +6, Con +3, Int +2, Wis +4, Cha +4)
o Class Feat: Reactive Distraction
o Skill Feat: Cloud Jump
o Skill Increase: Martial Arts Lore (T), Nature (M)
o Gear: handwraps of mighty blow (+3 major striking), +3 greater resilient explorer’s clothing, mercurial mantle, greater sash of prowess, quickstrike weapon rune, thrower’s bandolier (+3 greater striking)
Monastic Weaponry finally pays off as Prowl picks up Shooting Stars Stance. This waited until after he acquired Monk’s Flurry because otherwise he’s not getting much use out of it, but its inclusion will allow him to swiftly sling shurikens at suspects. After that, we come to the reason I settled on the rogue class – the Perfect Distraction feat. This creates an illusory duplicate of Prowl while turning him invisible, resembling his ability to create holograms, and he expands upon it with Reactive Distraction. Given his nature as a ninja, he’ll use Foil Senses and Legendary Sneak, and he may be able to get some use out of Dirty Trick, particularly with his use of agile weapons and attacks. Cloud Jump rounds out his skill feats and lets him kick his jump jets into high gear. He upgrades his Arcane Camouflage with Greater Augmentation to enhance his ability to disappear from sight, making him even more self-sufficient.

FREE ARCHETYPE SUGGESTIONS: This build benefits significantly from a free archetype game where he could explore his Monk and Sorcerer Dedications deeper. It allows him to take Perfect Distraction earlier and he could also use some of the rogue’s throwing feats such as Strong Arm, Far Throw, and Bullseye. From his monk archetype, he could take more options to benefit his Monastic Weaponry and Shooting Stars Stance such as Stunning Blows, Qi Spells for inner upheaval, or Pinning Fire. Then, he could take the likes of Expert and Master Sorcerer Spellcasting from his sorcerer archetype, focusing on illusion and telekinetic spells – perhaps even using telekinetic maneuver. He could also use Bloodline Breadth to have more options when it comes to casting spells.
Prowl is a hunter automaton thief rogue with the perfection seeker background. That automaton ancestry reflects his own nature as a Cybertronian while the hunter heritage allows him to transform into a faster alternate mode, hastened by additional options such as qi rush and warp step. His training as a cyber-ninja and its semi-mystical arts is reflected in his background as well as the Monk Dedication and telekinetic hand spell. Further demonstrating his skill as martial artist, he uses Shooting Star Stance and Monk's Flurry to unleash a barrage of these weapons. He initially relies on Deception to capture the idea of him creating holograms, before he properly explores it with the likes of mirror image, illusory creature, and Perfect Distraction. For his jetpack, he'll use the likes of Powerful Leap until he can build into Arcane Propulsion, giving him a limited but true form of flight.
Superbly swift and subtle, this solitary cyber spy slices through saboteurs, suddenly ceasing to size up suspects and then succinctly striking, supporting a sudden cessation to their struggles.

Please let me know what you think and what other builds you'd like to see! You can vote for the next rebuild over on the Discord or YT channel.
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Have a fantastic Friday!